Sunday, May 11, 2014

Remember to go to the toilet at Christmas parties

So prom went well. Fletcher is now dating Sophie. Looking at their prom photo, she could have made more an effort.

Those are some ugly ass shorts.
Clementine ended up with a guy called Cale, not that Bradnt (?) guy she was originally going for. They're Romantic Interests now, so we'll see how it goes. Of course, Fletcher and Clementine were elected Prom King and Queen respectively, which would have made it awkward if there was supposed to be a romantic dance between them. One day I aim to have three teenagers at the same prom time, THEN we'll see who the game picks.

In other news, Isla's birthday.

Is Eveline pointing and laughing? That seems mean
Isla isn't legacy blood at all, but she's still Clem and Fletcher's cousin, so I care how she turns out.

I've certainly had prettier Sims. Still, she's a toddler, so we'll see how she goes. She could surprise us all.

I had a go in CAS with Fletcher's girlfriend Sophia, and she is SUPER pretty. She's also Mean Spirited and Inappropriate. But I've got a feeling he'll look past that.

Or not look past THAT, whichever.
Beckett's tried to make friends with Sophia, but so far he's not gotten far. That hasn't stopped Fletcher from banging her. Behold, his first woohoo, lovingly captured on camera. In his parent's ensuite, no less.

Wait...who's nailing who?
I like Sophia. She's a woman who takes charge.

Another Sim who's finally taking charge is Hank. He proposed!

Henri was shocked, even though they live together and have a kid. 
Seconds afterwards, it was Hank's birthday.

WHERE WILL YOU BE WHEN BIRTHDAY STRIKES? Also, that small Hank in the corner is weird.

Then it was Christmas! I mean, Snowflake Day. They threw a party.

People had annoyingly large thought bubbles.

I'M REALLY THINKING about a CD. Or a flower?
It was a good party...

Look at that tree!

....until Fletcher pissed himself.

Dude. Seriously. Stop drinking.
That actually stopped the party. No one gave a single gift after that. I tried, but the moment was gone. Terrible.

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