Sunday, May 11, 2014

Such a full house

It was Halloween. (I mean Spooky Day. Whatever.) Clementine and Fletcher went trick or treating.

Dressed as penises. I mean, hotdogs

Then Henri went into labour.

Hank took him to the hospital (just as well) and soon they found out they had a beautiful baby....


GIRL!!! Her name is Isla. She is actually a werewolf, it turns out, but so far she's just like a regular baby. Doesn't turn into a puppy or anything. Speaking of turning, the next day Fletcher aged up.

Obligatory blowing out the candles pic
Oh look he's a man
Fletcher has also inherited Alice's nose, but other than that he's pretty okay looking.

You know you wanna hit that
To celebrate Fletcher and Clementine's birthday's, and to give Henri and Hank some time alone with Isla, the McKenzie's decided to go on a short holiday to France.

Which meant I got to use the holiday home again, win
Some highlights from the three day holiday: Fletcher and Clementine got to visit their grandparents...

Recognise the house?
...and discovered they've had another kid, Zacharie.

Despite the hair, Zacharie is a boy. And Clementine's uncle/ 
Clementine cooked the family dinner.

It was mac and cheese. Small steps.
They discovered one bathroom between four people is difficult.

Particularly when that's your only sink
There was a mime in a cemetery.

No words.
And Beckett learnt to make nectar, just like Mike did.

Yeah, I'd be taking pictures too. Damn.
When they got home, they had a lovely family dinner to catch up.

Clementine doesn't want to wash up, I think.
Then Eveline drank an Invigorating Elixir and went clubbing alone. Mums gotta party too.

Look at that face, she's pinging
While we're talking about partying, PROM IS TONIGHT!! Right as I type, Clementine and Fletcher are on their way to prom. Neither of them have dates, though Clementine got *this* close to asking out some guy called Brandt (only then he insulted her, are you sure you want to date him Clemmie?) and Fletcher has been on the phone to a girl called Sophia practically every day since he became a teenager. He has the massivest crush on her. He even threw a pre-prom party and invited her in the hopes that he might be able to ask her at the last minute, but unfortunately the limo showed up too early. Very early.

As soon as the kids were gone, the adults started making drinks. Party drinks.

We have until eleven, drink the fuck up
I think they're planning to party until Clemmie and Fletcher get home. Cute.

UPDATE: Sophia just asked Fletcher to go steady!!! OOOOHH!!

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