Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A long post with many pictures.

Nathan's birthday!

He was an adorable toddler, so he'll come out as an adorable kid, right?


Takes after his great grandfather
It's cool, nothing a makeover won't fix.

Daisy looks for any excuse to further her career.

 As a special birthday gift, we decorated Nathan's bedroom (Fletcher's old room). I used items from the Through the Looking Glass set and coloured them black and red.

I would have this room and I'm 25
It's nice. He likes it. I gave him his own bathroom too because I am a kind and generous God.

Let's have a look at how the house is going. The kitchen wasn't really cutting it any more with so many people, so I decided to redesign the layout of the first floor.

I added a foyer, knocked out the bathroom and put a new kitchen in it's place, and added a grand piano where the old kitchen was, just to be fancy. I mean, they're really rich now, it's time the house caught up. Felix and Marisa's room now has an ensuite, and there's another bathroom but you can't see it in the above picture because that tree is in the way.

The second storey is pretty undeveloped, which is why I don't have any pics of it (very underwhelming). The only cool thing is the party/night club fandango, and Daisy's makeover room. The rest of it is boring and grey. When Eugene grows up his bedroom may be upstairs but I haven't decided yet.

Here is the foyer I put in. It makes walking into the house much more grand.


Also it was Felix's birthday (young adult to adult). I don't know where he is. Is that in my house? Sorry, I played this ages ago and have just been too lazy to post.

Where IS that? The lighting is terrible, it must be my doing.

There's Daisy, I think this is in the party room. Knew it was my doing.
Felix continues to be good looking in a wispy, blonde way. He's still weirdly thin and muscular.

That hair should probably change now that he's a grown up.

Jerrod's magician career continues to go well. Not being able to sleep gives him a massive advantage. He can practice and play shows ALL THE TIME.

So dedicated.

Only stops for snacks

And to check the mail

Eugene is getting an excellent start on life with so many adults around. There's always someone to teach him walking and talking and whatnot. I think he's already potty trained,

Advanced baby

Oh yeah and check out the sick bathroom I made (the one that was covered by the tree before). I figured I'm far enough into the legacy to start using Into the Future stuff (I can't used that stuff at the start, it feels weird to me).

So here's Daisy having a bubble cleanse.

So futurey

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