Monday, September 1, 2014

Terrible parents and confusing time frames

Despite barely knowing each other, Daisy and Jerrod have been doing an excellent job raising their new son together.

They leave him in Felix and Marisa's room in case he cries in the night
At least until they went on an outing to the Fall Festival and forgot him.

I'm sure Jerrod's got the baby

I'm sure Daisy's got the baby

Worst parents ever
Luckily no one cares about or wants to steal babies in Moonlight Falls, because they came back and got him after a few hours. He didn't seem bothered. 

Cale and Clementine had their 'two year' wedding anniversary. Two years? What the ass kind of time frame is that? Why do they put years in Sims when they only live about ninety days?? How many days are in a year??? I don't understand why they don't just say 'silver' and 'gold' anniversary. That would make a lot more sense. I'm going to call it that in my head from now on.

Okay, so Cale and Clementine had their golden wedding anniversary. What an achievement! (Certainly a greater achievement than two years. Even Kim Kardashian has done that). They celebrated by returning to the place where Cale proposed.

So young and in love

Two years later
Well done, Cale and Clementine. Your love has weathered storms.

After they reminisced they went out for lunch, and then went home to prepare for Daisy's birthday party at the Prosper Room. Everyone was a bit wrecked (you get very little sleep with a new baby and a toddler in the house) so Cale whipped up some Invigorating Elixirs.

Speed for the whole family!
All of the usual crew showed up.

The guy on the right blew his party horn aggressively at the bartender for some reason

Daisy rolled some nice dungarees
Marisa got a bit stinky so Felix struck her with a Hygiene Charm

It's great having a fiance who's also a wizard
Daisy is having a Midlife Crisis, but so far she hasn't had any wishes to fulfill, which is frustrating. She's about halfway up the Stylist career, and I have doubts that she's going to make it to level 10 if she doesn't step it up a bit. Might need to do some after hours makeovers.

Jerrod has made it to level 3 of the Magician career, and the day after Daisy's birthday he put on his first show. Both Daisy and Felix showed up to support him, which was good as they turned out to be most of his audience.

The only other person was Isla...who is also family. 
Daisy and Felix thought the show was good, but Jerrod got the thumbs down moodlet. Perhaps he's a bit self critical. The official review said the show tasted like chicken, which I would have taken as a compliment. Chicken is the most excellent of meats.

Better than pork.
The worst part about Jerrod's show was that by being there both he and Daisy missed their son's first birthday. Eugene aged up all alone in his parents bedroom.

Which was ideal for him, since he's a Loner

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