Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Interview tomorrow!

Hey! Yesterday when I was walking to the mall and talking to my mum I got a call from one of the agency consultants saying that the MD of the real estate company has looked through my info and wants to meet with me! HOORAY!!!

Hooray is a funny word.

I have an interview tomorrow at 12.30pm at a cafe near the agency. Apparently we can't have the interview AT the agency because the person I may be replacing doesn't know they're being replaced. Ugh, awks. That makes me feel a bit uneasy, like do I want to be working for a company that does icky things like that? Apparently she/he has reliability issues, which either means she/he is very flaky and shit at the job, or they are bastards that expect you to be on call 24/7. I hope it is the former.

I went to a breakfast meeting thingy at the agency today where you go and eat free toast and they try and find you temp work for the day. There wasn't any though, so it was a bit of a waste of time. Though I did get free toast.

Free toast is best!!

But it cost me $7 to get there an back on public transport so in fact it wasn't really free toast.

Seven dollar toast is not best.

I also applied for a job as admin at a retail store that is SIMILAR to my Former Place of Employment but Not It, so I have not backslid. I MAY have looked on their website for jobs but I haven't applied for any yet. Well actually I did, but the internet crapped out so it didn't go through. It must have been a Sign.

In other news, I tried to update my iPhone but got an Unknown Error and had to reset the whole thing, then restore it from backup, so now its reinstalling all my apps. Ho hum. Tim is at Centrelink sorting out his stuff since he quit work, and he's having to wait fifty minutes just to hand in a form. He just sent me a text saying 'I'm still a centrelink really need yo pee.' I was alarmed until I remembered he never proofreads. I hope his essays aren't like that.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

In which I am angry at stupid companies and their stupidness

So last week I got a call from an agency about a temp job they were lining up for me, just helping a packaging company with their stock take for a couple of weeks. I was told the company were very interested, and thought I sounded perfect. Apparently they wanted someone who had admin experience and had done stock takes before, because they usually hired tradies that messed it up. No worries! I said. I have done stock takes every three months for the last five years! And I am Good At Admin! When can I start?

Yesterday I was told that they were very sorry but it was integral that they had someone with an engineering background.

This was my face then. Except I don't have blue eyes.


I knew it wasn't the agency's fault so I was polite and everything, but OH MY GOD this shit bugs me. If it was so integral you'd think they would have remembered it when looking at my resume.

Anyway, so that duck is dead (is that a thing?) but this morning I got a call from another agency about a job they told me about last week, at a real estate agency. I happen to think real estate agents are the Worst People In The World (from personal experience), but this is commercial real estate so perhaps it's different? And you never know perhaps they're really nice people. Perhaps when they begin their jobs they just have to sign some sort of paper saying they will abide by the real estate code of Screwing As Many People Over As Possible and Lying Through Your Teeth. I will probably have to delete this post if I get this job.

I don't actually think I will because this is about the tenth time something like this has happened, but still, it's nice to have something to hope for. Tomorrow I have to go to the agency's offices at 8.30am for a breakfast meeting, where I will talk to the consultant about the job and possibly get some day relief work. So that's nice! I had an outfit all ready for my next Fancy Thing, but then I accidentally dyed the white shirt I was going to wear. I only have one white shirt left now. The others are all various shades of pale, mottled pink. I really must start sorting my washing.

Also tomorrow Tim and I are having Halloween drinkies with some of his friends. Depending on what time I finish in the city, I may go as Alice in Wonderland. Because I already have a costume for that. I have to wear shorts underneath it though, because the LEAST revealing costume I could find on eBay still doesn't hide my underwear when I'm standing up.

Seriously, is this okay? Wasn't Alice, like, twelve?

So that's my plan for tomorrow. For the rest of today I will: work on my book, play The Sims, and work out what I'm going to cook for dinner. And do the dishes. And some washing. Ugh, I hate being unemployed.

Monday, October 28, 2013

The job hunt continues...

So when I left my job two months ago because I had to move across the city, I didn't really think I'd have that much trouble finding another one. Oh, no biggie, I thought. I have Loads of Experience. I can wear All The Hats. Someone will snap me up quick smart.

Look at all my hats!

What I didn't realise was that EVERYBODY ELSE was also looking for a job and EVERYBODY ELSE apparently has more hats than me.

Everybody else

So every time I apply for a job it's like 'we thank you for your application, we have had a very strong response to this ad...very experienced applicants...blah blah blah.' The general gist of it is, thanks, but come back when you have ten years experience in EXACTLY what we advertised for and a masters degree in Business Bullshit. Even the ones that call me back or give me an interview are all like oh, you're perfect..BUT SOMEONE ELSE IS MORE PERFECT.

Discouraged kitten is discouraged

I am waiting on a couple of things at the moment, but I'm not getting my hopes up too high. People are all like OH YEAH HAVE THIS JOB! and then they don't call you back and when you call them they're like...'oh, yeah, just waiting to hear from the...people...will call you tomorrow to touch base.' And then they don't. It's very, very frustrating.

But oh well! I have only been looking for two months. And for the first month I was kind of like LA LA LA UNEMPLOYMENT IS THE FUNNEST, I'LL FIND A JOB WHEN I WANT ONE and I even turned down two jobs, because they had crap hours. I would take the crap hours now, of course, because Christmas is approaching fast and my anniversary is on Saturday and although I still have many savings I DO NOT WANT to touch them, which means I am quite poor. I will take your job! I will take your crappy, low paid, inconvenient hours job! Let me wear your hat!

Oh no, not that one. You keep that one.