Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I hate this week

It's been a STRESSFUL week. Terribly stressful. I've been swinging between RAGE AND DESPAIR and Defeated Acceptance.

Mostly this.

Things That Have Been Stressful This Week

  1. My hair won't behave.
  2. I bought a box from Australia Post to send my sister's present in, then found out they will not send lithium batteries overseas
  3. Had to find another shipping company that do send lithium batteries overseas
  4. That company, although very nice about it, will charge me $122 to send my sister's birthday present to her
  5. That is more than the present is worth
  6. I cannot afford to get my sister another present
  7. It was so windy on Tuesday that I couldn't wear my chosen skirt to my interview
  8. When I went to put on pants I discovered the zip was broken
  9. I had no black thread to fix the zip with
  10. I used blue and discovered I'm terrible at sewing
  11. When I went to leave it was pouring with rain
  12. The umbrella was missing
  13. I had to put on Tim's hoodie and zip it all the way up, causing me to look like teenage troublemaker instead of 24 year old woman on her way to a job interview
  14. On the way into town I became anxious that I had left the iron and hair straightener on
  15. On the way back home I was seated between two old people with very bad breath who carried on a conversation over the top of my head
  16. I wanted to cry but could not risk smearing my make up
  17. When I got home to discover that I had NOT left any appliances on, I also discovered that my hair looked like shit from being under a hood
  18. Had no time to fix hair
  19. When I got to the station the train doors had some kind of malfunction and wouldn't stay open. A kind man opened them so I could get on but I was slightly squished when they closed on me again.
  20. I had Pie Face for lunch and managed to smear hot mince pie all over my face
  21. Tried to clean myself up in the Hungry Jacks toilets but had brought no make up to fix smeared face
  22. Ran wildly around Southern Cross trying to find somewhere to buy appropriate makeup. Only available powder/foundation cost more than $25 and was therefore FAR TOO EXPENSIVE
  23. Discovered new pimples on face that HAD NOT BEEN THERE when I left home
  24. Followed PTV directions and took tram to the street where job interview was being held but did not know whether to go left or right after disembarking
  25. Went the wrong way
  26. Was on the most confusing road in the world with a million intersections
  27. Was still power walking down road in hoodie three minutes before interview commenced, with shit hair and a smeared face
  28. Although interview seemed to go well, consumed with anxiety at the prospect of having to wait til the end of the week to find out the outcome

I'm not going to bullet point the real estate bond situation, nor am I going to explain it because it's long and convoluted and I'm not even sure of all the correct details. All I will say is BE VERY VERY CAREFUL before you decide to share house in Victoria. You will have no rights as an individual tenant. If something goes balls up you'll be liable even if it's not your fault or problem. And real estate agents/landlords WILL lie to you and try and screw you out of money. Even if they seem nice. Take photos of EVERYTHING and always get everything in writing!!

I think it's sorted out now, but we're never going to get our bond back. I could make a claim, but to be honest it's not worth it over $500. I just don't want to have to pay for rent of a house I'm not in. Or pay for other people's damage.

So yeah, rough week so far. On the plus side, I'm hanging out with my bestie Sam on Sunday night, and depending on what the news is from the job, I'll know what I'm doing with my life for the rest of the year. So that's something to look forward to.

Also I had a wicked sick time with my drama friends at karaoke. We rocked that shit. I was so wired afterwards that I wanted to go clubbing, but I didn't because it's expensive and too hard to get home from.

That's all for now, I'm starving.

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