Sunday, November 3, 2013

The weekend that was

Woo! I was just on the phone to the agency about the interview last Friday and they said it sounds like it went really well, and to give them a ring on Thursday if I haven't heard anything. Fingers crossed! I've thought about it a lot now, and I really want this job. At first I was a bit scared because it sounds quite full on, but you know, I think I can handle it. I am good at working.

And wearing all the hats.

So by Friday I should have either good or bad news. I hope it's good, because I'm going out for karaoke with my drama friends on Saturday, and I want to be celebrating, not crying and singing sad ballads while everyone looks on awkwardly.

Speaking of celebrating, it was mine and Tim's anniversary on Saturday. A whole year! A whole year of him putting up with me and my dramatic nonsense. He is a trooper. We went out for dinner on Thursday night, and then after my interview on Friday we had a beer at the Asian Beer Cafe. On Saturday he had to spend most of the day painting so I cooked him a roast and there was some of that premixed Bacardi mojito stuff on special at the supermarket so I got that too, and some pretty glasses to put it in.

I KNOW it's supposed to be lime, not lemon. I didn't have any. Get off my back.

It was very strong. You could see the syrup in it, and I had to keep licking my lemon so I didn't go cross eyed from the sweetness. It smacked Tim in the face (metaphorically, not literally. I wouldn't do that). I don't know if you're meant to drink the whole bottle in half an hour? I will definitely mix it with soda water next time. Dinner was amazing though. I don't mean to toot my own horn but my roasts are Fantastic. Yesterday I baked the leftovers into a quiche and it is the Greatest Quiche In All The World. I had some for breakfast. There's no picture though, because it doesn't really look that impressive.

I talked to Mum and Cayla on Saturday too, and they said congratulations. Cayla's anniversary is around about now too, but she said she doesn't know the exact day. Neither do I, actually, because where do you go from? It's not like when you're fourteen and a boy asks you to 'go out' with him on Monday, so next Monday you've been together a week even though you haven't actually spoken to him or held his hand. I just picked November 2 because that was the day Tim and I had a talk and agreed that we wouldn't date anyone else without letting the other person know first. Even though I wasn't planning on dating anyone else anyway, because all other people had become unattractive to me and paled into insignificance next to him (I did not say that to him then).

Hey, do you know something interesting? When I upload the photos from my iPhone into Dropbox it doesn't save them with the filters I took them with. So that photo above looks totally different on my phone, because I took it with Instant or Transfer or something. Huh. That's really weird. I don't know if I like it.

Tim and I look a lot prettier with filters.

Today I should probably be applying for jobs, but I know that pretty much any I apply for I'll get rejected by, and none will be as good as the one I was interviewed for on Friday, so I'm feel like it would be a Waste of Time. Perhaps I'll work on my book instead, and play my legacy on Sims. I've been thinking of putting the story of my legacy on this blog, but I'm already onto the third generation, and I feel like too much has been missed. Also I haven't been screenshotting or taking videos or anything, so it would be boring. I could start another, I guess, but I'm quite attached to this one. I'll wait until it crashes (which it will, if there's one thing you can count on it's that your Sims game will ALWAYS eventually become unplayable) and then I'll begin another one properly.

I feel like this post has gotten really rambly and it's not even entertaining so I'm a shut up now. As a reward for reading I will give you this:

You can't be mad at me now.

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