Thursday, November 21, 2013

Interviews! Interviews galore!

Well, not galore exactly. But still. More than one!

Well two.

But still! Two! Two interviews! For me! Yay!!

I can't remember if I talked about the florist job, but that was the interview I had today. It's a wee florist shop by a hospital, and they need an admin person/PA/florist assistant. They liked me because I have admin experience and also a Creative Side. Because of my writing and acting and all that. Anyway the interview went fine, but there was a lady in the shop that seemed kind of bitchy. Also, they asked if I could work on Christmas.

Full House gif! Goal achieved.

But the woman that interviewed me was nice, and it wasn't too hard to get to on the public transports. The only thing that went wrong was that my shirt ripped. Not in the arm pit or anything. And not a little bit. It ripped in the middle of the back, quite significantly, in two places.


It wasn't that bad during the day, I ripped it more when I got home, but it did begin to rip from the bottom while I was waiting for the tram to take me to the florist. I really don't know how it happened. The only thing I can think of is that the iron was too hot. And it somehow...weakened the fabric. I don't know. Stupid shirt.

The other interview I have lined up is as a shipping coordinator in the city. I have an interview on Monday is Abbotsford. I feel pretty good about this one, it's for 2-3 days a week doing shipping and logistics stuff like what I used to do at the FPoE. Oh! I also got a call back from one of the places similar to the FPoE, the one that advertised for a store person. I knew I wouldn't be able to do it when I applied, since it involves lifting fridges and I am Quite Small, but the guy at the store said he wants to keep my resume because he'll have a management position within the next month or so, and I have so much Relevant Experience. So that's good!

I could talk about other things, like the man that ran me into the train station door with his trolley today, or the way my train totally missed my stop, but the Big Bang Theory is on in the background and it's really distracting. I know it's only a rerun, but I don't want to turn it off. So I'll write later.

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