Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Forgot I had a blog

Hey, so I got a job, if you hadn't guess, and I sort of forgot that I had a blog. Since my blog was all about GETTING a job, now that I have one it sort of slipped my mind. Sorry to all of my loyal readers.

I have no readers

Anyway so it's cool, I have a job, and I like it a lot, and it's much better than all the ones I ALMOST got. I work in shipping for a really cool company where everyone is really nice and I have a desk and a phone and no customers! I don't know why people knock office jobs, man. They are totes sweet. We even have drinks on Friday afternoons. And can go out to bars on our lunch breaks and no one minds if we stay out for a bit as long as we're getting our work done, which we do because everyone actually gives a shit about what they're doing. It's a nice change from what I'm used to.

At the moment I am sick with a flu, which is terrible because I have a fever and Melbourne is SWELTERING right now. It is SO HOT. Right now it is 11.30am and my phone tells me it is 38 degrees.

Fuck this noise

I don't know how hot it will get, some say 41, some say 44. In Adelaide it's supposed to be FORTY SIX. Three and a half hours away in Christchurch it's only 25. How is this?

25. Wouldn't that be nice. When it's 25 you can go outside. When it's 25 you don't have to spend all day sitting in front of your air con cursing the sun. When it's 25 you can sleep in your bed and not have to drape wet towels over yourself and blast noisy fans just to keep from drowning in a pool of sweat. 


I realise this hasn't been a very interesting post. Leave me alone. I'm sick and I don't feel very witty.

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