Monday, April 28, 2014


Beckett got stuck in a wall.

I could have reset him but I just left him there to see how he'd deal with it, and eventually Error Trap reset him for me. Seems to be a wee glitch happening whenever they try and repair their awful shower, because it happened to Eveline too.

While this fuck just stood and took pictures of her in her underwear

Things have been a bit...different with Hank in the house. Not because Hank and Beckett had that sort of thing in high school, I think everyone's over that now. And really, everyone's cool with Hank being a werewolf. It's just...maybe a little difficult to get used to.

We sort of have a knees off the table policy in this house.
And you know, you could sit on the chair...
No, it's fine. Forget I said anything.
Beckett and Eveline have both been going through midlife crises, which has led Eveline to get herself a tattoo.

I wouldn't be having a crisis if I looked that good in a swimsuit when I was middle aged
It's some stars on her ankle, which is kind of lame but it's made her happy so it's fine. Beckett wanted a car worth $10,000 but he couldn't earn that kind of money in time so he's finished his crisis only somewhat fulfilled. Never mind. He has a teenage daughter now, that'll keep his mind off his middle aged-ness. Yeah Clemmie aged up! They threw a party.

Who the hell is this fairy blowing horns in my ear

Seriously bitch stop it

Fairy is offended
She has grown into quite a pretty teenager, despite her nose.

It doesn't get any smaller
Her traits are now Absent Minded, Loves the Cold, Athletic and Handy. Not sure what this means for her future, but she's gotten quite into photography and Eveline has enrolled her in Sports Club. Also, her bedroom is super altern.

Teenage me would have loved this bedroom
I decorated Mike and Alice's old room, since they're in the graveyard now and won't complain. Hopefully when Clementine gets fully into teenagehood she'll go full goth and I can do her clothes and make up to match. Right now it feels a little wrong because she'd be what, thirteen? Thirteen year old goths are totes lame.

Sixteen year old goth me agrees

So now, onto what we've all been waiting for....HENRI IS PREGNANT!!!!!

Pregnant men wear giraffe shirts
He has the pregnancy moodlet and everything, and he wants to have a baby girl. Everything is normal, as per a regular pregnancy. There's just one thing. You may not have noticed it in the above picture. But you will notice it in the next one.

You see it now, right?

He has no legs. Just feet and a torso. Lord knows how he's holding himself up. No wonder scientists can't find a way for men to carry children if this is what happens. Who would wish this upon their partner? Terrible.

However, Henri seems to be coping well without his limbs, and I am pleased to report the pregnancy is progressing normally otherwise. The baby's name will begin with I. Imogen? Isaac? We will see.

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