Friday, July 4, 2014

In which we use elixirs to get what we want

All the adults in the house went on a Free Vacation. The kids used the time alone to work on improving their skills.

So rebellious
Daisy figured out how to use the alchemy station, and made herself a few Friendship and Invigorating Elixirs.

Does anyone else feel like Invigorating Elixirs are pretty much just uppers?
Then she did get a little rebellious, because she threw a party and invited everybody in her class. All two of them. One of them, Jarrod, wouldn't even come in. He just stood outside the gate, even when Daisy came out to invite him inside. She kept trying until the cops showed up and arrested her for being out after curfew.

Lord forbid you just wanted to get the mail after dark.
Because there were no adults on the premises, they just made her go back through the gate and nothing happened. Then she stepped out again to try and convince Jarrod to come inside, and was taken inside by the cops again. This happened three times in a row. The police left and came back every time as well. You'd think they'd just stay for five minutes and make sure she wasn't coming back out. And why weren't they arresting Jarrod? He's a teenager too. Unfair.

Eventually he did come inside, and Daisy felt like she'd put a LOT of effort into their relationship with little reward, so she threw a Friendship Elixir at him to make them mates.

I get arrested three times for you and we're still only acquaintances? That is BULLSHIT
Then, predictably, they became more than mates.

Must have been some elixir
Now they're going out, and he agreed to take her to prom, which was good timing because prom was the very next day. Daisy was voted prom queen, of course.

The only other girl at her school was probably wearing shorts.
So that's what Daisy has been up to. What about Felix? Well, he's been busy too.

Running off into sunsets
He spent most of his primary school years looking for bugs in the scavenger hunt and working on his logic skill. I was a bit preoccupied with Daisy's new love and her prom, so I forgot to throw him a party when he aged up.

Sorry, dude.
He is now a thin, yet oddly muscular teenager.

It looks weird, right? It's not just me?
He made that mac and cheese as an after prom snack for Daisy when she got home, which was nice.

You look...different somehow, she said.
Daisy is still desperate to be a witch, so she must be quite jealous that Felix can now use his wand and conjure apples. He's getting quite good at it.

Yes, that is a yellow Clementine over there. 
As a birthday gift, I let him redecorate his room. His favourite colour is hot pink, which can be difficult to pull off in a bedroom, but I think it went all right.


It's pretty cool. Would probably give me a headache after a while, but I like it.

Fletcher has finished mourning the demise of his relationship with Emilie, and has decided it's time to get out there and meet someone new. He went to The Brightmore to see who was out and about.

No one was. Still, that didn't deter him, and before long he was chatting up the bouncer.

So, like...come here often? Oh, God, sorry, I'm out of practice.
She seemed to be into it. She forsook her bouncer duties for him, anyway.

What a slack ass. Just as well no one else was at the club. 
I wasn't really sure she was his type, but he almost immediately wished to kiss her and fall in love with her. So eager. They went on a date the following day, and wasted no time with both wishes.

According to him, she is 10/10 blindingly stunning. Takes all sorts, I suppose.
He then took her out to the lake where Mike proposed to Alice, and they kissed romantically while some weird old guy with emo hair stood there and watched.

Um, three is a crowd.

Fine, I'll stand over here.
So Fletcher has a new girlfriend now, but as you can see from the thought bubble in the above picture, he's not totally over what happened with Emilie yet. And he still hates Cale A LOT, which is not great considering they live together. Luckily, they're not the type of people that enjoy getting into fights, so they leave each other alone for the most part. 

Still, Cale was unhappy with the situation, and since all of his attempts to make up with Fletcher were met with hostility, he decided to take the same route as his daughter and turn to alchemy. He's pretty good at it now, so it was no trouble for him to whip up a Jar of Potent Friendship.

 It worked very well.

Bros for lyf
Now the entire household is living in harmony, and we're back to Happy Families, the way I usually play. Here are some happy family bonding shots to make up for all the drama.

Clementine helping Daisy with her homework

Fletcher helping Felix with his homework

Fletcher hanging out with ghost Beckett

Eveline scaring Felix half to death

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