Tuesday, June 24, 2014

More aging

The McKenzie/Driver household recovered from their heartbreak and tragedy in time to throw a party for Felix's birthday.

Is it just me or does Fletcher look kind of like that pretty mugshot guy?
He is now a child. A child without a big nose!

He will be a ladykiller. Figuratively, of course.

Daisy also aged up, but I might have sort of forgotten to throw a party for her.

Sorry, kid.
I compensated by giving her a wicked formal outfit. This one is my favourite so far.

Coolest ever.
She's also still close with Emilie. In fact, Emilie is teaching her to drive.

In Clementine and Cale's car, which is kind of weird.
But it's okay, because Clementine and Cale seem to have repaired their marriage (or maybe she just doesn't care) and they're back to being all loving and romantic. That's nice.

"I honestly couldn't give a shit about you. Or anyone."

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