Friday, August 15, 2014

Sorry, I've had stuff on.

So I tried writing this blog post aaagges ago, but something happened with Blogger and it wouldn't save it or let me post it. I couldn't really keep playing until I'd made a new post, so I made a new game and I've been playing that instead. Sorry.

Anyway, I just remembered I still have this legacy, so lets get back into it. I don't remember what's been happening, but here is the bit of post I wrote back at the start of the month:

It was Halloween. Daisy threw a costume party.
People get pretty into it.

Afterwards, they went trick or treating, which didn't take long since the only person in the entire town who was home was Emilie. She answered the door wearing what would have been her wedding dress if she'd married Fletcher.

Awkward choice of costume
It was even more awkward the following night, when both she and Fletcher showed up to Isla and Hank's party wearing the clothes they were going to get married in.

So...nice weather we're having
Perhaps it was the shock, but Fletcher unexpectedly aged up at that party. Isn't he younger than Clementine? Something's gone woohah there. Anyway, lets just say they threw the party for him.

That's as far as I got with that post...Now I have to piece together whats happened with screenshots, since I don't remember.

Eveline came back as a ghost and cooked breakfast.

That was nice of her.

Felix became a witch (warlock?) and has been doing magic things.

Here he is doing something to the dishwasher
It was Clementine's birthday! There was the traditional birthday party.

Fancy lights. People wearing nice clothes.

Cake at the bar

Inevitable aging
So now Clementine is an elder. I swear just a few months ago she was a baby. Time flies.

Oh yeah, at the party Felix put a spell on this chick.

Felix uses ICE BLAST

It's super effective!

Even hours later

Later on he tried another one.

Felix uses FIRE BLAST

It backfires.
Lets have a look at how the house is progressing.

In the beginning

Now. Very nice.
The family finally decided it was time to let go of Beckett and Eveline and went on a trip to bury them in the family graveyard. 

Felix begins work on his own grave.

Felix uses FIRE BLAST



Eventually they got the fires to stop sprouting and went home to meditate.

The living room got a makeover

 I don't remember the context of this, but it seems some chick in a hat kissed Felix.

He wasn't into it.

Did I ASK you to touch me? Respect my boundaries!
Except later on he was.

Actually now the hat is starting to work for me.
It must have been a slumber party, because later on in my shots I see sleeping bags. Also, what is up with that creep ass alien head dude.

It's cool guys...

I'll just watch you sleep.

Oh yeah, and then I built a bar! In my house! On the second floor. It's flipping sick.

Check that out.

You WISH this was in your house

Light up dance floor and everything

Mad parties

The occasion, of course, was Daisy's birthday. She is now a young adult! How time flies. I don't have any CAS pics of her as a YA, but from this pic it seems she's gone in for the gothic Lolita style.

I'm not judging, I'd wear the fuck out of this.
I have a few pics from her graduation the next day, but they're not very good.

Everyone was sad because the pets got taken away

I forgot to talk about that
Yeah so the stupid pets got taken away because they were LONELY because they wouldn't FUCKING TALK TO ANYONE. Seriously, it's not like there's a shortage of people in the house. And they could have socialised with EACH OTHER. But no, if you don't FORCE your pets to interact with someone, you are neglectful and your pets get taken away. Bullshit. Okay, it was partly my fault for leaving the game running while I was in the shower. But STILL.

Anyway, I'm fixing it. I got Isla to adopt them, and they'll eventually get them back once they can adopt again.

Felix dealt with his pain by hooking up with some girl. I don't remember any of this.

I hope he does

I don't even know her name. I really need to play again.
I remember Daisy's boyfriend though! Jarrod. Right?

I think.
Anyway, they got it on.

WOO sexytimes.
And that's all I've got. I will start playing again now and get back up to speed with whats happening. I promise.

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