Wednesday, August 27, 2014

This is why we use condoms, Daisy.

Daisy's one night stand with the maid got her more than she bargained for.

What does this mean for her and Jerrod? They barely know each other. He saved her life, they had sex, and he came to one of her parties. It's not really a solid foundation to build a family on.

This picture isn't relevant, but it is adorable.
Daisy took Jerrod out to the Flying V Coffeehouse to break the news, presumably so that he couldn't make a scene in public. But he took the news well.

Even gave her a thumbs up
He immediately agreed to move in with her to help her take care of the baby, and Daisy discovered that the lowly maid has lofty dreams. He wants to be a Master Magician like her great grandfather Mike. Now that he's knocked up the wealthy, he might actually be able to achieve that wish.

I ain't saying he a gold digger, but this sure was convenient
As soon as he moved in, he went straight to a computer and joined the Magician career. His name is Jerrod the Magnificent because I was NOT feeling creative this evening.

My catchphrase will be....Abracadabra!
Proving himself to be committed to both his one night stands and his goals, Jerrod the Magnificent got to work right away.

It turns out he's pretty good! Didn't even screw up his first tricks.

He also has the glitch where his energy doesn't decay, which means he can perform for tips from sundown to sunrise.


7am. He should try it the other way around next time, not many people watching buskers all night.
Meanwhile, Cale and Clementine continue to live in marital bliss.

Perhaps inspired by their undying love, Felix decided to impulsively propose to Marisa in the garden.

Cale must have become hard of hearing, because he didn't even look up

You're engaged! Well done! When did that happen?
This means I have to plan a wedding, which is boring as shit, but oh well.

Picture is irrelevant but adorable.
Emilie van Gould threw a party that night. Marisa was working, but Felix, Daisy and Jerrod went along. Felix had lots of news to tell his mum.

They've reached an odd point where they look pretty much the same age

but they're still close, which is nice.
 Daisy had a lot of news too.

I'm having a kid to a guy I just met!

Oh...well done!
By the time they got home it was very late and they were pretty tired. For some reason though, I couldn't send Daisy to bed. I found out why shortly afterward.

Why is Clementine freaking out? It's not like she hasn't done this before
Jerrod remained calm and took Clementine out to a taxi (whatever happened to the car? I must get a new one.)

Game face on.
I didn't have names picked out (E name for a boy, K name for a girl) but that was okay because as soon as Daisy gave birth to a baby boy the name just popped into my head.

This is Eugene. He is a Loner and Loves the Outdoors. Welcome to the legacy, Eugene. 

I like this unexpected family.

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