Friday, April 18, 2014

A good Friday

I've done a lot of playing today. Three seasons worth, in fact. We started off in winter, where Ghost Mike came out to play in the snow.

Haha I don't get cold because I'm a ghost
Then, only a day after Clementine was born, Eveline discovered she was pregnant again.

They sure don't mess around.
Unsure how they would cope with two babies and a wedding to plan, Beckett invited Henri and Eveline's parents over from France to help them out a bit.

Albert is secretly judging them on their filthy house.
A couple of days after Albert and Estelle arrived, Beckett and Eveline welcomed baby Fletcher into the household.

Oh yeah, and Clemmie aged up, but in all the excitement I forgot to take any screenshots
A baby and a toddler in the same house can be pretty difficult to juggle, but luckily Henri has been helping out a lot. He has turned out to be an excellent uncle.

With pretty snazzy pyjamas
Albert and Estelle, however, turned out to be far less helpful than I'd imagined. For starters, Albert doesn't check if anyone's in the bathroom before he barges in.

Oh sorry, were you in the shower? That's embarrassing for both of us.
And Estelle liked the stereo in Beckett and Eveline's room so much that she found it necessary to turn it on constantly during the night, subsequently waking up Fletcher and ensuring that her daughter and son in law got absolutely no sleep.

There's another stereo in the lounge you bitch this is not cool
Despite their sleep deprivation, Beckett and Eveline went ahead with their wedding as planned, making sure they took naps in a room with no babies the morning of the big day. By midday Eveline was in her dress, getting her make up ready.

I didn't leave her with this weird hair obvs
They decided to get married in the front yard, just like Mike and Alice had, which was risky considering it was spring, and spring in Sims seems to mean snow, rain and thunderstorms. It did rain all morning, but by 2.30pm it had stopped, and when Beckett headed out to the arch the sun even came out for a bit. Unfortunately upon walking outside they both changed into their outerwear, so I had to cancel the wedding, change their clothes and try again. By that time the sky had gone dark again. 

Also everyone had gotten bored and gone back inside
It was a nice wedding. Everything went smoothly, everyone threw confetti, nobody died. 

Eveline was really hungry though

Eveline was eager to get to the cake, but unfortunately Beckett took too long coming inside, and then she had to pee.

Come on, come on

Nope, gonna pee my wedding dress

Where is she?

Oh fuck it, I'll just have some
I don't know why it's so hard to coordinate the cake cutting in Sims.

The wedding party went on til about 1am. Henri was the bartender, since he's the only one who can make party drinks.

Man of many talents
Speaking of Henri, his romance with Hank has been heating up, albeit very, very slowly. Hank's a paparazzo, so he's usually hanging out around the house, and Henri has been flirting with him a lot. Every time they've hung out, Henri has presented him with a different bouquet of flowers, starting with Friendly Yellow, then Perfect know, working clockwise. Finally, on Love Day, he invited Hank out to the Spring Festival and gave him a bunch of Romantic Red roses. Then he kissed his face off.

Well, kind of. That looks more like a peck.
Hank was into it, and they were all sweet and lovey dovey the next day, but when Henri asked him to go steady he freaked out and said no. He has Commitment Issues. Henri was pretty sad. But he's going to keep trying because he thinks Hank is worth it. Also he's spent $200 worth of flowers on him so far.

Fletcher aged up when Clementine was only a few days into her toddlerdom. Two toddlers!

Twice the skills to teach
I love toddlers, they're adorable and I like to give them a good start in life with as many books and toys as possible. But having two is quite a challenge. Obviously you have to teach them to walk and talk, and potty train them, but it takes SO LONG, and both Henri and Beckett have jobs. Eveline has been working on her Alchemy in snatches whenever she gets time, but mostly they've all just been running around after the kids. 

Eveline has taken to wearing her underwear all the time, eliminating the time it takes to get dressed, I suppose. Either that or she really likes her underwear.

It's pretty cool, I suppose
I drew the line when she started wearing it to the shops.

Seriously, woman. Enough is enough.
Mike and Alice have been popping up quite regularly to see how the family is going. Despite his lack of life, Mike still likes to work on his health.

There's pressure to look a certain way in the underworld
What else has happened? Well, Henri had his birthday alone on the side of the road. It wasn't intentional, he was just on his way home from work.


Both Clementine and Fletcher have learnt to walk and talk, so they can hang out at the blocks table.

So, like, what do you think of that yellow potty?
Beckett got promoted to Line Cook, which is Level 5 of the Cooking career. For some inexplicable reason, when he came home from work that day, he was naked.

I hope that wasn't the reason you got promoted
He didn't want to put his clothes back on, either.

Where have we seen this before?
I didn't take a video though. Butts aren't as funny when they're not dancing.

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