Tuesday, April 8, 2014

We lose one and gain two

The day after the McKenzies got back from Egypt... this happened.

She didn't burst into flames, I just screenshotted at a really good time

Sup bro, I'm here for your wife
The Grim Reaper arrived while Alice and Mike were gardening in summer, which I suppose is quite a nice place to die. And she was 94, so it was hardly unexpected. Still, it was pretty sad.


Then to make things worse, THIS GUY shows up as soon as the Reaper left.

It was not a good day

Look at that evil face. No remorse.
 To get over his grief, Mike went on a free vacation by himself a day later, leaving Beckett home alone. Beckett was going to have a teen party, but it would have been a mass sausage fest since only guys go to his school. And I've invited Hank over a couple of times, but nothing more has happened romantically between them, even when I left them alone in the living room practically all night.

So Beckett called the only other friends he has.

Guess who that is??
Henri and Eveline from France grew up! Eveline is a teen and Henri is a young adult. They arrived the morning after Mike left.

They were all thrilled to see each other, it was lovely.

Except Beckett had invited them to stay without thinking about where they were going to sleep. So he quickly got a hall and a guest bedroom built.

I'm sure Mike won't mind
 Then Beckett went into his room to listen to some music, and Eveline followed. Then THIS happened. Autonomously!

I knew she liked him!
Eveline initiated the kissing, but Beckett seemed to be pretty into it, so I guess he isn't gay. Perhaps he's just an equal opportunist. Anyway, it's adorable because I have pictures of them together as wee kids in France and now they're in love, awww. And Henri and Beckett are best friends too, so it all works out well. So well that Beckett asked Henri if they wanted to move in!

I know it all moved a bit quick, but I didn't want them to go back to France and get married to other people, and I didn't want Eveline to move in by herself without any of her family. They've left their parents in France, but they can go back and visit whenever they want.

The best thing was obviously getting to edit Eveline in CAS. She has an...interesting face. Here's the before picture.

That nose.

It's all CC, I'm not ashamed
Beckett was impressed with Eveline's new look.

So Mike will return from his relaxing vacation to find two extra people living in his house. But I'm sure he'll be fine with it.

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