Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Weddings, weddings, weddings

Sorry it's been so long. I've been playing this other game that I just started randomly one night and it turns out I haven't lost the ability to play Sims without legacies. I've got them on Epic lifespan and it's a lot more fun than I remembered. Perhaps because I have all the expansions packs now.

Anyway! Even though I haven't played the McKenzie family for ages, I forgot to post an entry the last time. Bear with me because I may not remember exactly what went on.

Okay, I know what's going on here.

This is definitely a celebration of some kind.
Felix and Marisa decided to have a simple wedding in the front yard like so many of their ancestors before them. It was pretty standard.

Confetti and crying
Obligatory kiss shot
One spouse can't get into the house
Other spouse gets tired of waiting and cuts cake alone
You know, pretty typical Sims wedding. They all seemed to have fun though.

Except Marisa, who seems really unimpressed here.
Fletcher, who I STILL haven't gotten around to burying yet, showed up that night in his grandson's room.

You could have waited til I had a shirt on.
I like to imagine he gave him some grandfatherly advice, but he probably just gossiped about celebrities and told jokes.

You will remember that Daisy and Jerrod are engaged (actually I didn't remember, I had to go through old entries to check) and are also planning a wedding. A couple of days before, Daisy had her bachelorette party at Aquarius.

Well, in the lobby
Yeah, there was some sort of glitch that prevented them from using the elevator all night (I think someone was stuck in it) so they partied in the lobby instead. It was all right. Someone brought that boom box, and the strippers still showed up.

Marisa tried to out do them by dancing on the counter
There weren't any drinks, but luckily everyone was carrying champagne to spray on each other.

After the disappointment of her hens night, Daisy was determined to have the perfect wedding. I don't normally put all that much effort into weddings, since I'm not a big fan of them (I don't plan on ever having one myself) and there are so damn many of them in a legacy, but it didn't seem right for Daisy and Jerrod to get married in the front yard. They are all about style and fashion and flair. So I created this whole wedding hall and decked it out with all the decorations I have.

Can't tell if Marisa's stoked, or really mad that I didn't put in this kind of effort for her
It turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself. I should be a wedding hall decorator.

Why did that guy think it was appropriate to come dressed as Gene Belcher??

Definitely the best wedding I've ever had, not that it was difficult to break that record. We had bars and food and a dancefloor, so the guests were happy to stick around after the ceremony.

Clementine played bartender, but an actual bartender showed up at the other bar! Community lots rock
Unfortunately Jerrod had a gig that night, so he had to skip out on the reception.

There was no audience. They were all at his wedding.
He came back afterwards though.

Luckily his work clothes fitted in here
I'm only including this shot so you can see the front of the hall. Check out those windows.
I feel like I should have changed Marisa's outfit. Oh well.
So now everyone is married, and I don't have to do another wedding until Nathan and Eugene settle down. Good.

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