Sunday, August 24, 2014

Happy birthday Nathan

Daisy's life has been exciting since she broke up with Jarrod. She ate a jellybean that set her on fire.

They don't sell this shit at Woolworths.
Luckily, the maid was there to put her out.

Her family? No effing help at all.
Daisy was quite keen to get to know the man who saved her life.

So, what do you do? Oh, right, you're a maid. You're my maid.
He was quite keen to get to know her too. He was still hanging around after she'd been to work and a party.

Yeah, I'm still here! Your...counters were particularly dirty
His long shift paid off.

I don't usually hook up with the staff, but you did save my life.
I didn't get any screenshots, but they totally banged after that. And he stayed the night. And was invited to Nathan's birthday party the next day. They have a new maid now.

Can't be banging the staff
Nathan's party was pretty good considering it was for a baby.

Daisy and Jerrod (yeah, that's his name) were pleased to see each other again. Unfortunately, Daisy felt quite sick. For unknown reasons.

 I have a feeling Jerrod may be staying around for even longer than Jarrod.

Nathan has so far turned out well.

He's like a baby Slim Shady

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