Sunday, August 24, 2014

Parties and rings

Felix graduated.

Most Likely to be Electrocuted 2014
Daisy and Jarrod went to a club and chilled in a hot tub.

It's so weird how there's never anyone but us in the club
Then they banged.

We learned Daisy has cankles
WITHOUT WARNING it was Cale's birthday.

There probably was warning and I just ignored it
LOOK AT ME when I'm screenshotting you dammit
So now he's old. Speaking of old, I realised how sad it is that Fletcher is now an elderly man but still sleeps in a room with pictures of his ex fiance from when he was young on the walls.

it wasn't intentional, I normally can't see that wall.
It's time to move on, Fletcher. Your son is an adult now. You have a girlfriend you've been with probably longer than Emilie. We don't see Delia much, since she doesn't live in the legacy house, but she must be pretty special if you're still with her.

Fletcher agreed.

Not the most romantic place for a proposal, but she seems happy.

So now Fletcher and Delia are engaged, and that calls for a party. We'll say it's Cale's birthday party as well.

Two parties one throw
When Emilie shows up in her wedding dress (again), Daisy decides it's time she used her stylist skills for the good of the family.

This is embarrassing

I can help you
Unfortunately I don't have any screenshots of Emilie after the makeover because something went weird and gave me a blank green screen. It's okay, I'll get some later.

In the meantime, Daisy has been getting to know Felix's girlfriend Marisa.

Do you like hamburgers? You do? Okay, I approve.

Everybody approves Marisa so much that Felix asked her to move in.

You're homeless, I have a massive makes sense.

Then they banged in a Tardis. I mean Llama.

I have a funny feeling that Felix will reproduce sooner than Daisy. But we'll see.

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