Friday, August 15, 2014

The stuff I've had on

You may be wondering why I haven't blogged in a month, people who read my blog (no one).

Well, mostly it's because I couldn't be bothered. But also I've been busy doing a life and stuff. I'll make a list of stuff I've been doing in my life because I'm pretty good at lists.

  1. Work. Work is a big one. Things are EXCITING in the world of International Shipping. Also, I LOVE logistics. I don't know if it's a thing that people normally love, but I adore it. I love all the paperwork. I love all the special terms. It makes me feel like I'm speaking another language. Speaking of which....
  2. Google Translate. Google Translate has become a HUGE part of my life this year due to the fact that I work with Chinese suppliers and I would like to know what they are saying. There is a word in Mandarin they use quite often that Google translates as 'explosion'. It does not mean explosion. This has caused a number of misunderstandings on my end. I wish I could speak Mandarin. Unfortunately the only language apart from English (and Maori) I can even speak a little of is...
  3. Russian. I began 'learning' Russian when I started listening to t.A.T.u, but in the last few years I've really made an effort to learn the language properly. So far I'm pretty good at pronunciation (thanks Julia and Lena) but not much else. I can tell you that you're Monkey Number Zero, but I can't say thank you. I will not be going to Russia any time soon. But I will be going to...
  4. New Zealand. I have two weddings and a birthday there this November and I've been planning my trip for a while now.
    I found this app that counts things down. 

    That picture there is the view from my parents' mailbox. I know. Can you imagine? Living somewhere so pretty? Obviously they can, because they live there. The view from my mailbox is just a large green fence.
  5. Sims 2. I don't know if you heard, but EA gave away Sims 2 with all of it's expansions as like, a reward to Sims players or something. It was quite nice. I immediately installed all my mods and discovered I can make Sims 2 Sims look more realistic than Sims 3 Sims.
  6. I love mods.
    Why did my six go above the picture? Oh well. I have had other stuff on too, like how my health problems finally convinced me to go to the doctor after four years of being sick every morning and I had a blood test which I am DEATHLY AFRAID of, and now this week I seem to be MYSTERIOUSLY CURED even though I haven't changed anything about my diet or lifestyle. And I've been out with friends and stuff, and I made this card for my mate which I blatantly ripped off from someone on eBay.
All rights go to...whoever made this design.

I would have bought him the card, except I only remembered I needed to get him a card ON his birthday. It made more sense to make it myself. I think it turned out pretty well. I am a craft genius. Also a detective genius, because I've been playing a lot of Nancy Drew games. They are very good.

That's all I have to say for now. I'll leave you with this picture of me waiting for Sims to load, looking suitably attractive for the internet.

I'm so pretty, why won't Sims load.

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