Sunday, August 24, 2014

New heir and a break up

Marisa tells Felix she's pregnant. Felix is pleased.

Well done, you! I mean, me. Us.
After Fletcher's death, Clementine decided life was too short to work the whole time, and retired.

Confetti, bitches!
She's getting a pension of $400 a day, which I guess isn't too bad for an astronaut. She's happy to chill for the rest of her remaining years, since she's already achieved her lifetime ambition. Cale is still working on his.

So many elixirs.
 Everyone is still sad about Fletcher passing, but otherwise family life is pretty sweet.

Everyone in the pool. Yes, Daisy is a Tragic Clown. Thanks Cale.

And now there's a new member. Meet Nathan McKenzie.

Do you know how many male names start with N? It's not many.
He's settling in well.

In his nightclub bedroom.
Daisy is making a name for herself as a stylist, picking up awards and making connections. Her professional life is going very well.

However, her personal life was in need of an overhaul, and sadly she has decided to break up with her longtime boyfriend Jarrod.

Sims doesn't give you an option to break up nicely so let's pretend it looked like this.

Even though it was her idea, Daisy felt pretty low after the break up. She decided to cheer herself up by dancing by herself at Aquarius, then going to a party.

Why is there never anyone else at the club?
At the party she wasted no time in hitting on Emelie's brother Tristan. You remember Tristan. He was at her parents' wedding.

This is weird on many levels.

It didn't work out, but Daisy wasn't perturbed. She's embracing the single life after so many years tied down. Will she find the right person in time to have kids? Does she even want kids? We will find out.

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