Friday, June 13, 2014

Errbody got old

Eveline got old.


Oh. Still looking pretty good though.
Beckett got old.


Fletcher got old (er)

And was confused about it.
That guy in the leopard print is NOT dressed appropriately. Come on, dude.
I took this great picture of Clementine.

Haha. You look weird.
Clementine has dreams of becoming an astronaut, so she's started on the Military career track as a Latrine Cleaner. Nice. I was oddly excited about her first day of work. I took screenshots of her going to bed and getting up. They're fairly boring (they look the same too) so I won't put them here. I will, however, show you her bedroom, because as a birthday present she was allowed to redecorate it. Her taste in decor has changed somewhat.

Teenage Clementine's bedroom

Young adult Clementine's bedroom.
She's gone all sweet and old fashioned. Things have not been happening between her and the boy with the stupid name, but things haven't been happening with her boyfriend either. She has been too busy focusing on her career.

I can confirm that both of her love interests have not; as they are both newspaper deliverers.

It's a noble profession.
Fletcher has decided he wants to become a gardener, which is convenient seeing as the family has a massive garden. Let's have a look at how he turned out, lookswise.

Not bad, although the nose, as usual, is large. God, I hope that nose gets diluted in future generations.

Both Clementine and Fletcher graduated from high school on the same day, despite being born at least four days apart. I was fine with that, since it meant everyone only had to go to the boring graduation ceremony once. Also I got a nice family picture or five before they went in. By 'family picture' I mean 'everyone was in the same screenshot'.

You wouldn't put it on your wall or anything.
Clementine was Valedictorian, which wasn't surprising seeing as all her peers seem to have become newspaper deliverers, and Fletcher graduated with Highest Honours. She was voted Most Likely to Electrocute Themselves, and he was voted Most Likely to Get Married. Guess who was more excited?

This guy.
Afterwards they all went out for a family lunch, which was nice. Fletcher rang Emilie after lunch to ask her on a date, but she wasn't interested. That was all she said. 'No, I'm not interested right now.' Cold, so cold.

Eveline has been learning to fish, in an attempt to be able to make ALL THE ELIXIRS before she dies. There's a handy pond in the front yard with all the relevant fish in it, because I am very, very lazy.

Yes, she fishes in her underwear. What of it?
While fishing, she obtained a rather frightening 'sun tan'.

Sorry, I didn't see you there. You blended in with the wood.
She's very committed to her new hobby. Yesterday a man caught on fire right behind her and she didn't blink an eye.

To be fair, he was a paparazzo, and who doesn't want those guys to burn?
I tried to cancel her fishing action and send her to go and put out the poor man, but she was having none of it.

I had to reset her, and then she just stood and looked at him like she wasn't sure what he was doing in her front yard. To be fair, he wasn't invited.

Trespassers shall be burnt alive
Eventually, after much prompting, she saved his life.

Fine then.

He rewarded her by immediately taking a picture of her on his phone, which was mysteriously unscathed by the fire that consumed his loins. It must have been an old school Nokia. Certainly not a Lumia.

Fletcher and Eveline went over to Hank and Henri's place to see how Isla was doing. She's a teenager now. Not a particularly attractive one.

I don't feel so bad about Fletcher's nose now.
While they were gone, Clementine decided that it was time to get a cat. She filled her bedroom with cat things, and adopted a kitten from a shelter.

None of the cat stuff ruins the decor! Win.
The new kitten is named Pixel, and she is SO CUTE. She's so small that when she arrived I couldn't even see her at first.

Spot the baby cat

Clementine had already gone to bed by the time the animal shelter dropped her off, but luckily Beckett was still up to collect her.


I think he likes her.

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