Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Full house again

It is my birthday, so I am playing Sims A LOT. I will play again as soon as I've finished this post.

So Fletcher and Emilie have been dating for quite a while now, and they seem to get along despite their rather significant age difference. Fletcher is reaching the end of his Young Adult years and I thought, well, he's going to have to make a decision soon. Is she the woman he wants to spend his remaining 40 or so days with or not?

I thought I had time to make this decision, but after using Master Controller to check Emilie's stats, it turns out I did not. She only has a few days left before becoming an Elder. The decision had to be made NOW.

Fletcher panicked, had sex with her in an elevator at Aquarius, and now she's pregnant. Shortly after knocking her up, he asked her to move in. She lives with us now.

She has a jersey with a strawberry on it, which is excellent
Her maternity wear is somewhat better than Clementine's was, but not by much.

What kind of length is that for stockings??
Oddly enough, Fletcher's reaction when Emilie told him she was pregnant was...kind of dickish.

This was YOUR idea, fool.
But he must have just been taken by surprise, because he immediately apologised and proposed.

That's better.
Now they're engaged, but I'm not sure they'll have enough time to get married before the baby is born. Emilie comes from old money, she's not going to go for a shotgun wedding at The Toadstool. She'll want to pick her own dress and go all out for it as well, so it's probably better to wait. Besides, they've already both been Publicly Disgraced for banging in an elevator at a club. Apparently the other dude in there wasn't impressed.

Eveline has been working on her Lifetime Wish of becoming an Alchemy Artisan before she dies. I think she'll do it. Her latest achievement has been turning Cale into a Tragic Clown.

It's Just So Tragic!
He wasn't impressed.

My life has no meaning.
Daisy is now a toddler (that went quick) but I don't have any pictures of her birthday party because she was one of those glitchy babies that makes everything look like this:

So that was annoying. However, she's turned into a pretty cute kid. And I think the nose is being diluted.

A little bit, right? Humour me here.

For her birthday, Clementine bought her a puppy. His name is Tiberius.

This is the only picture I have right now, okay.

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