Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Fourth generation commence!!

Time flies! Things have been happening rather fast. Okay, so Clementine got that cat and I guess it gave her Life Perspective or something because she decided that Brandt guy was a dick (he was) and her first boyfriend Cale is indeed the one for her.

As long as he chops off that mullet. Seriously, dude.
So Cale has moved in, and everything has been going excellently. It turns out he wants to be an alchemist like Eveline, so he's quit his newspaper delivery job to focus on alchemy. He should be pretty successful, since the garden and pond are already set up with all the essential ingredients.

Everybody's love life is going well, actually. Fletcher and Emilie are still going strong, despite the dubious morality of their relationship (she SLEPT WITH his grandfather, guys) and he has even been over to her house and stayed in her room.

Emilie, you are 200 years old, not 6

And Beckett and Eveline are still as hot for each other as they were when that picture on the wall was taken.

You have to admit that's quite sweet
Cale has fit into the family quite nicely. He's already best friends with Eveline and Beckett, though I'm not sure how because Eveline just insults everybody all the time and one of Cale's traits is Grumpy. He's also Artistic, which is nice because no one else has really been using the easels in the living room.

He has two projects going at the same time, my kind of Sim
A couple of days after he moved in, Clementine discovered she was pregnant.

Clearly there are no condoms in those bedside table drawers
Her maternity wear leaves a lot to be desired. Like surface area.

This is not an appropriate outfit to wear around your family
That same morning, one of the family members (I'm not sure who it was, except that it wasn't Beckett because we were gardening when it happened) set the oven on fire. By the time I got to it, the kitchen looked like this:

Bad, but not disastrous

But it escalated very quickly.

Disastrous. For the waffles, at least.
Because I'm not very nice, I decided to sit back and just see what they would do. I haven't given them a smoke alarm, so no one was coming to save them. At first it was hilarious, because they kept doing their panic dance in sync. I thought about recording it and putting it to music. But then Fletcher and Cale somehow managed to trap themselves behind the fire.

When Fletcher became engulfed in flames, I figured it was time to do something. While Cale ran away like a champ, Fletcher began battling the flames with an extinguisher conveniently located in his back pocket.

The rest of the family watched and screamed while Fletcher valiantly sprayed his seemingly never ending ass pocket extinguisher all over the kitchen. The excitement was so great that Clementine peed herself.

She walked away from the fire to do so, which makes sense. No, wait, it doesn't. 
Alas, one extinguisher was not enough, and the fire continued to spread. Soon the dining area was also on fire.

Oddly, that corner cabinet was spared.
Eventually everybody else remembered the extinguishers they also had in their back pockets, and together they managed to defeat the flames. The aftermath was not pretty.

No one is having waffles for breakfast now.
The insurance payout was 1,200, which didn't even cover the cost of the oven. Luckily someone had recently sent the family a video game system, so they sold that, but it still took up the rest of the family funds to replace everything.

This was bad news for Clementine and Cale, who had decided to have a shotgun wedding now that they were having a child so that they wouldn't be Publicly Disgraced when the baby came. Cale took Clementine to the pretty fairy place (Arbotuem? Arbotraem? I don't know) to pop the question, and even though it was pissing down with rain it was still rather sweet.

His face is excellent

So proud

They decided to have the wedding that same night, since Clementine was pretty heavily pregnant by this point. It was still raining, so the wedding was held at The Toadstool. There wasn't much money to spend, so the only things they bought were a wedding arch, some cupcakes, and some decorative bells. It was still quite nice though.

At least until I realised all the guests were going to have to go up the stairs...

 Also, taking wedding pictures was very difficult due to the overcrowding.

I did not think this through

Couldn't choose Clementine's wedding dress, so I think she got off pretty lightly

Everything went well, they exchanged rings...

Wait. Why is that dude freaking out?

Why is Hank freaking out?
 Then suddenly EVERYONE was doing a panic dance. What? Why? Clementine was the last to find out.

 Yep, she went into labour as soon as the ceremony was over. They had to leave the reception to high tail it to the hospital.

So, wedding night sex is out of the question?
 According to my Legacy Naming Rules, the baby's name would have to start with D whether it was a boy or a girl. I had a feeling it was going to be a girl, so I got out my baby name app and discussed names with Tim while Clementine was in labour. Drusilla? Demonessa? Dicks? (The last one was his suggestion).

My feeling was right. The first member of my fourth generation is a girl. Named Daisy. Cale's last name (and now Clementine's) is Driver, so her name is alliterative. How lovely.

Daisy Driver. She is destined for great things. Or porn.

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