Saturday, June 21, 2014

Life goes on

More tragedy ensues.

Farewell, Eveline. At least you're with Beckett now.

Can I just say, Clementine's emotional reactions seem a little...I don't know. Check this out.

Not too worried

Not even looking



That's not a sad face
Perhaps she's had secret Botox or something and she can't make sad faces anymore. Or perhaps she has no emotions, which would explain why she's still not concerned about Cale sleeping with her brother's fiance. They've just gone on like nothing's happened. Cale even still has his Eternally Faithful buff, which is strange.

Fletcher has not been coping quite so well; as in he's reacted like a normal person would. He's had a midlife crisis and shaved his head.

Not bad.
He's now focusing most of his time on working out in an effort to become massively built and attract a new lady before he becomes an elder. Because he's an Adult now. So is Cale. No parties were thrown, due to the general low mood of the household.

Woo. Birthday.

No party was thrown for Daisy becoming a child either. She rolled the Supernatural Fan trait and desperately wants to become a witch.

She also looks EXACTLY like me as a child. Large nose, black hair and glasses. And a fringe.
Daisy still had an okay birthday. Clementine handed her down the camera from Mike and Beckett, and she got an elixir from Cale. She's also inherited the toy oven, rocking horse and doll house. She's doing okay.

First day of school. Rocking those boots.
But she still misses Emilie a lot. After her first day of school, she went around to her house.

Still best friends

Playing paper scissors rock

Doing homework
Emilie's new house is a far cry from her old life, but she has a dog so at least she's not lonely. She seemed happy enough. I'm sure Daisy will go back for visits quite a lot.

Fletcher has been a bit lonely, but Beckett is still there for him in spirit.

Ghost dad!

What's it like in the underworld? Constant parties, son.

Fletcher has also started a blog about being a single dad. We'll see how that goes.

Perhaps it will bring in more money than gardening
Daisy and Felix are best friends now, thanks to a few games of peek a boo. I love that interaction. Felix will age up soon, so they can hang out together and have slumber parties. Speaking of slumber parties, Daisy is throwing her first one tonight. She has two classmates, Marisa and Jarrod. The boy looks like a girl and the girl looks like a boy.

The one with long hair is the dude.

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