Saturday, June 21, 2014

My home, it is broken.

Before I begin, I would just like to clarify that I had NOTHING to do with the events that unfolded tonight. My Sims have high free will and I have a lot of Nraas mods and sometimes things go a bit screwy. Sometimes I even don't save, and just pretend things never happened if they are particularly bad. But life doesn't work that way, and I am playing a legacy, so I'm just going to have to deal with it.

Emilie and Fletcher have just had their first child and are planning their wedding, and I THOUGHT things were going really well with them. Yes, it's a little weird seeing as Emilie slept with Mike ages ago, and there must be a considerable age difference, but love conquers all, right? At least they look the same age.

Aging gracefully at 212 years old
And Emilie used to be a vampire and everything, and she was kind of cold when she and Fletcher were dating, but I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. Until this happened.

 Yeah, Emilie and Cale made out. Right in front of Clementine. I was like, what? They're not even Romantic Interests!! And really? Right in front of his WIFE?? That's some bold cheating.

Clementine closed her eyes and thought of tanks. Smart girl/
 It didn't end there. While Clementine and I were still reeling from the shock, Cale and Emilie went off to the bathroom to Woohoo. It all happened so fast I didn't even manage to get a screenshot (snigger) but I got some of the aftermath. Which was Fletcher coming in and realising what was going on. He was NOT happy.

It was like a soap opera

Such tension.
As you can see from Cale's face above, he had no remorse. Neither did Emilie. It must have been a mod gone screwy, because they're still not Romantic Interests. Emilie got the Adultery moodlet (which I had never seen before, so that was exciting) and Cale got the Miscalculation moodlet (which I had seen before, it says 'maybe you shouldn't have slept with your best friend'. Yeah, maybe not when you have a WIFE, you slut.)

Clementine dealt with it surprisingly well. She wasn't even mad.

Perhaps she doesn't love Cale as much as it seems? Or maybe she's in shock.
Fletcher was VERY mad. He and Emilie fought for quite a while in the bathroom.

Her heart is being broken? Well maybe she shouldn't have slept with her brother in law
They eventually broke up in the kitchen. Again, not my doing. He was just that pissed off.

Her action was 'Be Rejected'. Harsh. 

He isn't going to slap her. It's a Mean High Five.
Eveline was angry enough with Cale for both her and Clementine.

Now that is a slap
Safe to say they're not best friends anymore.

Oh my, starry eyed surprise.
She really gave him what for.

Yeah I'll make you cry like that cloud in your mind, bitch.
Emilie went to work afterwards, and Fletcher went to the Fouchier's to hang out with Isla. Clementine went to a party, but spent most of the time staring into space.

Those feels. It's like a Lana Del Rey song.
When he got home, Fletcher just stood here for ages, not doing anything. No actions. It was sad.

All he would do is stare at the mail box.
When Emilie got home, she went straight to Eveline's alchemy room and found the Vampire's Bite potion.

She will live another 200 years.
Then she went and gave Daisy one last cuddle. Since they are Best Friends.

It was cute. It's just sad now.
She gave her son a hug too.

As a last ditch attempt to save the situation, she tried a Hypnotic Gaze on Fletcher.

That's one way to get your fiance back...?
It didn't work. 

Regretting that shower bang now?

She put Daisy to bed for the last time, packed her bags and left.

Ignore the half naked lady by the door. Just a journalist.
This is a sad moment.
Now Emilie has left, and Fletcher is a single dad. Not sure what will happen to Clementine and Cale yet. They haven't really spoken, but they don't hate each other either. I think Clementine is trying to work out how she feels about it. Eveline hates Cale's guts though, so I don't see them living together too much longer.

This isn't really how I wanted my third gen to go. I normally play happy families. I am not a fan of broken homes and conflict. I guess ten gens of happiness would have been too boring though.

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