Monday, March 10, 2014

A wedding and two birthdays

I had to do this part twice because my game crashed the first time :/ and since then it's crashed twice more after I've tried editing Alice and Beckett in CAS. I'm not sure what's causing it as I haven't added any new custom content and my game is up to date, and all the Crash Log Analyzer gives me is Warning: Updates Available, which basically means it has no idea what's wrong. I've deleted all my caches and done a little tweaking and it seems to be okay for now, but it's a little worrying. Once your game file starts playing up it doesn't usually stop. And I'm only on the second gen!

Anyway. In my first go at this I did both Mike and Alice's bachelor parties, but this time I only managed to do Mike's. Between their careers and their newborn baby, there's not much time for partying. Mike just managed to squeeze one in after a gig. It went pretty well.

Those girls are 'Party Dancers'. Not strippers.
I left for a bit to go and check on Alice and Beckett, and when I came back Mike had inexplicably taken off his clothes.

Perhaps the party dancers were stealing all the attention
I guess he behaved himself though, because no one accused him of anything except having a child out of wedlock (THE HORROR) and he was home by 3 am. The next day he and Alice took Beckett on a family trip to the Fall Festival. They got their photo taken.

I wish it was a bit bigger

In my first attempt, Mike and Alice had a private wedding that afternoon at the Festival, but that was only because I'd spent all their money and couldn't afford a wedding arch. This time I was a bit more thrifty, and set up a little wedding area in their front yard. I didn't bother with much seating, because Sim's always stand in a crowd right up at the arch like it's an exhibit in a museum.

Seriously, SIT DOWN.
It was a simple wedding. Here are some shots of it.

Alice got the nervous giggles.

Tristan van Gould was facing the wrong way the whole time

Then after the ceremony he said 'Nice party. NOT! I'm outta here.' Dude, maybe you should have turned around.

Tristan, over here.
After the ceremony, Mike went inside to cut the cake. Alice tried to follow, but couldn't get into the house because of all the guests in her way.

Fucking move! I'm the bride!
Mike waited for an hour and a half, but she got stuck in the doorway.

Just walk through, Alice, it's not that hard.
So he just gave up and got himself a slice.

Fuck it, I'm hungry.
Alice was pretty hungry by the time she finally got into the kitchen.

Stop being so dramatic and eat the cake, Alice.
Once everyone had some cake, they proceeded to party hard.

Emilie's dance moves didn't impress

Why did you cut it like that??
Alice slow danced with another man, but nobody seemed to mind.

It's not like she flirted with him or anything. Hey, isn't that Tristan?
That hairy lady who Mike hit with a newspaper showed up and took care of Beckett.

Werewolves love children
Finally everybody left, except for this one couple who stayed to slow dance in the living room.

Thought you said it was a crap party, Tristan.
Until 3.30 am.

That's kind of outstaying your welcome, guys.

As a wedding gift to one another, Mike and Alice bought their first family car, the one they'll teach Beckett to drive in one day. It's adorable and retro.

Everything about this picture pleases me.
The next day was both Alice and Beckett's birthday. They decided not to have a party, since they'd only just gotten those slow dancers to leave and didn't want them to have an excuse to come back. Beckett blew out his candles first.

I assume Mike was the one who actually blew them out, unless he's a terrible dad who puts his baby's face over fire
Luckily I saved right then, because after I edited Beckett in CAS the game crashed. I did get a screenshot of him before then though. He's pretty cute, though unfortunately he seems to have inherited his mother's nose.

Also what's with EA giving babies crazy thick eyebrows? I have to give them long fringes to cover them up.
Next it was Alice's turn, and she rolled a real winner of an elder outfit.

Nyan cat? Seriously? I'm 73.
She seemed a little depressed about reaching the last stage of her life.

Stop clapping, Mike. This is no time to celebrate.
But Mike cheered her up with a massage, and I got this cute family shot.

Only slightly ruined by Mike thinking about how much he hates that one counter.

Now I just have to hope that the game doesn't crash again. I've been cycle saving like mad, pretty much every time I do something, so at least if it crashes I won't lose too much. 

They just finished renovating Beckett's room with the money they had left after buying the car. It's not too bad.

Not my best, but he'll only be in there for six days anyway.

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