Friday, March 7, 2014

Mike's First Show

Woo! After a lot of practice, and another terrible uniform
And an encounter with an electrocuted ghost
Mike finally nailed his Performance Park audition. Instead of the coin behind the ear trick, he went for turning the coin into butterflies, which impressed the proprietor a lot more.

Imagine how impressed she would have been if he'd turned her ear into butterflies
He got the gig! Yay. He also got a promotion, and now gets to wear a proper magician suit, thank God.

No longer a clown

He also got a Box of Mystery, which he can put other Sims in and pretend to stab them with swords. He practised this trick twice before he took it to the stage, with two very brave men.

The relief on that guy's face

While he was waiting for the gig to begin, Mike worked on gaining some other skills. Like fishing.

No fish were caught that day

And cooking.

No hot dogs were eaten either

He couldn't wait until 6.30 pm to begin his gig, so he set up the stage at 5.30 pm. With $48 left he couldn't afford to buy his own props, so he just used the venue's set up. The gig started at about 5.40 pm, and Mike kicked it off by chatting to the audience.

Great turnout

He performed the sword stabby trick and luckily for his volunteer, it went well.

There are a LOT of people in white coats in this town

Unfortunately Mike only knows about four tricks, and even though he padded them out with witty banter and some sweet moves...

Like a 90's school disco

...he had run out of things to do by 7 pm. So he just sort of...repeated them. Over and over again. Until it got to 9 pm and then he just stood there awkwardly for a bit.

If I just look away for a while, they'll understand that the show is over

Despite this, his show was still fabulous! The reviews were good, though I suspect that might be to do with Mike's Natural Born Performer trait more than anything. Still, he earned $200. What will he buy with it??? A toilet?? A bed?? The possibilities!

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