Monday, March 31, 2014

I am bad at building houses and Beckett may be gay

Okay! When we last saw the McKenzies, they were in France. Beckett was sad that his only friends in the world were doomed to stay children forever, and his parents were trying to build up their visa levels so they could get out of that damned base camp where people photograph you sleeping. It didn't take long for Alice to get up to Level 3. I just kept repeating those quests where you give people fancy nectar and collect rocks. Luckily they had saved up some money before travelling, so they were able to buy a holiday home straight away.

Well, a holiday field.

They even had enough money to build a house on the field.

I know, I blinked and it just appeared!

I'm not the best at building houses, they tend to turn out like the houses I drew when I was five, but here are some shots of the inside. Don't have enough cash to furnish it yet, so there's not much in there.

There are no hallways. I cannot figure out hallways.

Since Alice is Level 3 now she can do the last quest, the one where you have to go to Egypt and give them bugs. I'm super bored with most of the quests now, but not this one because I barely ever get to do it. Mike also needs to go to Egypt to get some pomegranates for his (boring) quest, so that's the next destination on the list. We'll have to go soon though, because Mike and Alice are getting pretty old now. Alice has hit 90 and Mike is in his late eighties. Once they hit 90 they can pretty much die at any time, so I'm trying to make their last days as relaxed as possible. Mike has been spending a lot of time in his garden. Beckett's been helping too.

So has that weird pink guy
Mike's plan was to start up a nectar business, but he hasn't gotten too far with since it takes a damn long time to grow plants, and taking care of a garden like that is practically a full time job of its own. Recently he's started wishing to go back to being a magician. Perhaps it was easier when flowers just appeared from his wand.

Alice finally mastered the Athletic skill, an achievement that was only slightly soured by the repoman turning up at the same time.

Yeah well done on finally achieving athletic greatness, I'm gonna take your couch. Also I hate your music.

It was bad timing, because Alice would have reached the top of her career that night but the repoman ruined her mood. They should really start using BPAY.

While Alice was sulking off to work, Beckett was getting ready for the biggest night of his rather boring life so far. Woooo PROM.

He didn't have a date, as he has no friends in Moonlight Falls. Not one.

He's in that limo alone. Try not to think about it too much.
Despite literally not having a SINGLE friend at school, Beckett was voted prom king. He also got into three fights, and fell in love with a guy named Hank. Hank is the only other person at school that Beckett has met, so I guess he didn't have much of a choice. Still, I had suspected that Beckett might like guys. The whole hot pink disco thing tipped me off. That and his love for musicals.

That's quite gay.
The only problem with Beckett being gay is that he is my only heir, and I'm not sure that guys can have kids together. (I mean in Sims. I know how reproduction works.) I have Woohooer, and I know that girls can have kids together with that, because I had a few lesbian couples in my last legacy. But I've never tried to have two guys make babies. How would it work? Would one of them be pregnant?

Oh wait.
Okay, maybe guys can get pregnant. We'll see how it goes. Since Beckett hasn't actually MET a girl yet, he might not know if he likes them. Either way, as long as he can still pass on his genes it won't make any difference.

I also suspect Beckett and Hank may have ingested some spiked punch at prom, because as soon as Beckett got home he passed out on a bench. He wasn't even that tired.

Must have been some strong punch.

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