Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I haven't been playing

I haven't been able to play Sims for a bit because I've had like, life stuff on. Like work (BUSY) and family friendsy stuff. I could blog about that, but I prefer to write about things that aren't me. That's why I write books and not diaries.

That being said, check out what my work was like on Tuesday afternoon. It was our boss's birthday, so a cocktail party was thrown.

This is our reception area. U jelly?

Turns out our finance guy used to be a bartender. Best cocktails I've ever had. FREE.

One of my co workers pointed out that this table sort of looked like a coffin, but I feel that added to the mystique of a Tuesday afternoon work party

Yeah. My job is the BEST.

Speaking of parties, the last time I played Sims it was Beckett's birthday, so I'd better recap that. Mike's made A LOT of money from being a mad good magician so I renovated the house, you can probably see that from the screenshots.

Very much bigger. Also, a bar

Beckett's birthday went fine, but a full moon came up right before he blew out the candles and some of the guests turned into zombies. Including his mother. It must have caused him angst because he rolled an emo fringe.


I edited the fringe out quick smart, and he hasn't turned out too bad. His weird nose isn't quite as obvious as it was when he was a child.

Like me, he has grown into his unfortunate nose.

Alice stayed a zombie for most of the night. She tried to eat all the plants but I made her go to bed and sleep it off.

Bitch you cray.

After that I sent them to France again, because I'd like Mike to get to Visa Level 3 so they can use some of their money on a holiday home. Unfortunately Beckett's French friends are still children, and after checking with Master Controller it seems to be impossible for them to age up, even with cheats. So Beckett will never get to see if his friendship with Eveline could blossom into something more. Very sad.

He is gutted

I will play a bit tonight and maybe tomorrow so hopefully I'll have more soon.

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