Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sims 3 Legacy - Testing Towns - Midnight Hollow

I know! I know I said I wouldn't do another one today. But I just REALLY want to do this one. And it's only 11.25am so it's still the morning. I'll go buy my spatula after this.

Midnight Hollow is a world I bought from the Sims 3 Store, because it looked like the creepiest world Sims 3 had ever seen. If Moonlight Falls had a gloomy vibe, this one has a death vibe. If you put all the Sims worlds side by side, this one would be the elephant graveyard.

Similar colour scheme.

The first thing I noticed, aside from, argh no light, is that there are even more viable legacy lots than in Moonlight Falls. There's so many free ones!! Which is good, because there are no lots from Late Night or Showtime so I'll have to put them all in. That's okay, I expected that.

I also expected this. Sigh.

There are some combined rabbit holes, but not as many as in the other worlds. There's also an awesomely creepy graveyard.


I don't know how putting venues and skyscrapers in here will go, I could get away with the Plasma Lounge but I feel like Aquarius might be a stretch. I think these townies would respond well to magicians though.

I've played in Midnight Hollow before, but not a whole lot so I'm not sure if it has any major glitchy flaws. If I settled my legacy down here I'd have to build a goth looking house, which would be awesome but kind of limiting. Winter and autumn will suit this place perfectly but I'm not so sure about summer. What if my teens want to have pool parties? Also I'll have to call them all things like Wednesday and Wolfgang and Cordelia. Actually, that sounds kind of cool.

I think I could make a legacy work here. But it would have to be a certain TYPE of legacy, and I don't know if I want to make that commitment for a whole ten gen. I really like this town though.

I want to take lots of pictures of it.

Midnight Hollow


  • Murder creepy. Also there's a family called Yates that's based on the Bates family from Psycho which is much cooler than Twilight.
  • Heaps of empty lots for putting stuff in.
  • Everything you need to get to is fairly close together - no clusters of buildings over a hill or anything.
  • It looks awesome.
  • It's REALLY dark. Even in the middle of summer. Don't know if I can handle ten generations here in pitch black. It's so dark that at night you have to tilt the screen to see stuff properly.
  • Because it came with that cash register run your own business content, the CBD has about four buildings just dedicated to that, which is a bit useless for my purposes.

8/10. I like Midnight Hollow, but I'm not sure I want to do an entire legacy here.

Next up: Hidden Springs

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