Sunday, March 9, 2014

Cabbage patches and kids

Alice and Mike have been living together for a few days now, which is equivalent for a few years in Sim Time. It's getting serious. Mike decided it was about time he asked an important question.

Do you think our decor is too beige?
He asked Alice out on a date at about 10.30 pm and took her out to the Stony Troll Fishing Hole, which is a lot prettier than it sounds. And asked her to marry him.

She said yes

Is it just me or is that a really awkward hug? You're getting married, guys, you can touch pelvises

Wasting no time, they went straight home and tried for a baby to complete the family. I was afraid it might take a while, since Alice is pretty old, but she got pregnant on the first try!

I wish it would make that chimey sound in real life when you conceived

Because he's a family man now and won't be going out to clubs til all hours, Mike has started a new hobby: gardening. The house now has a deck and a little vege patch out the front.

The first thing he planted was toadstools, because they're always delicious
Mike couldn't plant the other things in his inventory because his gardening skill isn't high enough, so he went to the neighbour's place and looted their garden for things he could plant.

I feel like this is illegal
The next day he planted them all naked while a paparazzo took photos.

Not content with the fame he undoubtedly gained from that stunt, Mike went to a Sim Fest to try and join, but couldn't ask the proprietor of the Port A Party Mini Warehouse because he was too busy emceeing. Mike's had no luck with the Mini Warehouse so far, even though he's definitely good enough to perform there. The proprietor is always busy doing other stuff and has no time to listen to an audition. Jerk. Mike decided to bypass them all together and go straight to the top: The Hoi Polloi Event Center.

I don't know what a Hoi Polloi is, but it sounds fancy.
I didn't think Mike would get in, but the proprietor loved him and booked him a show there the very next day. Mike is a level 8 magician now, so he's pretty experienced but he still messes up half his tricks, and the last show he did at Mick's Master kind of bombed. So I was a little nervous for him.

You don't want to fuck up on a stage like this
But my fears were unwarranted, because he put on a good show. He screwed up a few easy tricks (come on, Wand Into Flowers? You've been doing that for decades, Mike) but all the main ones he executed perfectly, and look who showed up to be his volunteer for Swords of Destiny!

She didn't trust him with her heart, but she trusts him with huge swords near her body
He ended up with a pretty good review, and got the 'Spellbinding' buff, which is I think the third best you can get. So pretty damn good. And then he did end up getting a gig at the Mini Warehouse, which is tomorrow night. His career is coming on in leaps and bounds! Also, he got paid $9000 for tonight's show, so he and Alice certainly aren't poor anymore. They're using the money to build another bedroom for the baby. And maybe upgrade their crappy 70's TV.

Thank you! Your support will allow me to watch HD movies!

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