Friday, March 7, 2014

The slow climb to stardom

I don't think much of the weather in Moonlight Falls so far. It's supposed to be summer, but it's constantly raining.

Mike doesn't mind.
It's been a few days now since Mike moved here. He has discovered that the indoor swimming pool has a bathroom he can use, and it's much closer than the one at the gym. And much nicer.

Gym bathroom

Pool bathroom
So no need for a toilet or shower yet. He has, however, had to buy a fridge so that he can have quick meals like cereal. It cost most of his money, but look how cool it is.

That's Hello Kitty on the side there. I love the randomise button.

Totally worth 375 simoleans

To earn back the money, Mike began practicing magic tricks so he could perform for tips. At first it didn't go too well.

So embarrassed. 

But he persevered, and went to busk outside the diner in his new uniform, which I'm sorry to say is not so much 'murder train' as 'makes balloon animals'.

Still better than that university shirt.

He busked all day but made no money, and the next day rocked up to the festival grounds only to find that another magician had already set up shop there. A FAIRY magician called Aubrey, which is unfortunately for Mike much cooler than a guy that looks like a wannabe clown. Not deterred, Mike just began magicking right next to her.

He doesn't have wings, but he has bitchin suspenders
Neither of them made any money, probably because they were both just terrible. Afterwards they got chatting, and it went fairly well until Mike tried telling her a joke and she didn't like it because she Dislikes Children. I guess Mike's joke involved farts or something.

She enjoys lightbulbs, but not flatulence humour.

She's a Sagittarius, which is compatible with Mike's Libra, but I don't think he'll date her unless he gets desperate. Because she's pretty ugly and not all that nice. Still, they have magic in common so that's something. Perhaps they'll be friends. I've seen no sign of Rodrigo since that first day, which is sad. I miss Rodrigo.

Mike had a snow cone for dinner, because he cares about nutrition, then practiced his two tricks until he got a promotion. Yay! He immediately blogged about it, of course, and then accepted an opportunity to get a gig at a park. A gig! Personally I didn't think he was ready for it, but he was so excited he raced right over to Performance Park and auditioned.

Behold! A large coin!

The proprietor seemed to like it, but then she told him he still needed more practice. Fair enough. She did think he was attractive though, so I think that's a good sign. Mike took her advice to heart and began performing for tips right there, attracting the attention of some weird guy in a white coat.

Just chilling in a park at midnight with rubber gloves on, don't mind me.

Weird guy watched for a while, and then put $20 in Mike's tip jar. $20!! Mike is now officially a professional. So proud.

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