Saturday, March 8, 2014

Shows and stuff

Just discovered I can delete my DC Backup folder (except for the cc.merged file). Hopefully this will get rid of all the shitty custom content from 2009 I've been trying to delete. I have so much of it!

Mike has been focusing pretty hard on his career lately, and not his social life. Which wouldn't matter except that he's become a one star celebrity, and will now lose relationship status whenever he's 'disgraced'. Stupid celebrity system! I like the idea of celebrities, but being a celebrity ends up being a lot more trouble than it's worth. I'm thinking of disabling it, actually. It doesn't make sense for your friends and family to think less of you whenever you're accused of doing something that you didn't even do. They should totally get rid of that 'falsely accused' thing. Or at least give it less severe consequences.

Anyway! Mike has played quite a few shows since his first one. It seems he may have had a bit of beginner's luck, though, because not many of them have gone too well.

At the first one, someone decided to hold a protest right in front of the stage. I thought, oh cool, they'll all turn around when Mike starts performing and watch him. No. They spent his entire set yelling, and then left as soon as he finished.

Down with....SOMETHING! The cause of the protest was unclear.

This one had no audience at all, except for that lady reading a book.

She didn't even look up when he insulted the audience. RUDE.

The audience for this one decided to just wander onto the stage while Mike was trying to perform.

Move, bitch. GET OUT THE WAY.
She was so offended when he told her to move that she ignored the rest of the show.

She's gossiping about him with that bitch over there
His largest audience was this one...

See that ghost? That's the jellybean ghost. Coolest ghost ever!!
...but the ghosts kept wisping across the stage and interrupting him, so it turned out to be a crap show too.

Despite his bad luck, Mike has managed to get to level 5 of the magician career, and is making $640 a week. That's on top of the money he makes for gigs, so he's not doing too badly. His house now contains a bed, toilet, sink, shower, stove and fridge, so he is fully self sufficient. No more having to run to the public pool to pee! (In their toilets, not in the pool). It's still a bit of a shack, and all the furniture is in one room, so he hasn't invited anyone over yet. Certainly no parties.

If anyone needed to pee it would be awkward

He's doing a gig a night right now, so there's been no time for romance. One night he did go out to Aquarius with Aubrey the Fairy Magician, but after they were both rejected by the bouncer, she left. Undaunted, Mike snuck in while the bouncer wasn't looking and ordered a Carribbey Cooler.

From a scantily clad painted faced fairy

Painty Face must have made that drink pretty strong, because the next thing I knew Mike was dancing on a counter on the ground floor where there isn't any music.

Your dignity, Mike. You dropped it.
He has made some friends though. He's met so many people that he's already achieved the Celebrity charisma challenge, which is really useful because it gives him a starting bonus whenever he meets anyone new. He's also become friendly with Bella and Charlie Swan Bailey and Chester Swain by barging in on their quiet family picnic.

Look how mopey Bailey is. It reminds me of someone.

I'll leave you with this excellent shot of Mike cleaning his oven in the nude. I don't know where the tattoos came from because I didn't put them there. I did, however, buy him the stereo, and he's been rocking out to what sounds like 90's hip hop, still nude. There's a video. But I won't post it here.

I've probably humiliated him enough.

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