Friday, March 7, 2014

Completed a Legacy!!

YES!! I finally finished one!! A couple of minutes ago my tenth generation was born. Look how cute he is.
He looks exactly like every other baby.

At last!! I can stop playing this family and make another one! Woo!!

There are a few things I'm going to do differently in my next legacy. The first is not have that damn actor trailer. I hate that thing. They all want to sleep in it. You buy them a perfectly good bed, and they ignore it entirely to go sleep outside. It's just ungrateful.

The second thing is build my house further back. At the start you just have that gigantic lot and your house is tiny, so it feels silly building it right in the middle. But if you don't, when it gets bigger you end up with this mansion like RIGHT at the edge of the lot. By the mailbox. It looks silly.

And finally, I'm going to try not to make my house quite so BIG. My current legacy is living in a four storey house, and getting from the top floor to the bottom floor takes practically half a day. Particularly getting to the kitchen. I think I probably needed two kitchens. This is something I will take into account in my new legacy.

Right, new legacy! I have decided what town I'm going to use, and it is....da da daaaaa...

Twilight town!

Moonlight Falls. It was between this one and Monte Vista, and in the end I decided on here because I think it'll be a bit more versatile and easier to place community lots in. Also I quite like how gloomy it is. I normally legacy in sunny towns, so it'll be all different and stuff.

All right, I'm going to go start it. I'll be back later to write about how Mike is getting on.

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