Saturday, March 8, 2014

First Love

Things have been going well for Mike.

What he doesn't know won't hurt him

His career is going well, his shows have been getting better, and he's actually had an audience at a few. He's also made enough money to create his own stage set up. Check out this lightningy thing behind him!

In a Sim world, this is a huge crowd

It was at one of these successful shows that Mike met a girl named Emilie Van Gould. They talked a bit before the show, and then she stayed for the whole thing and he came to talk to her again afterwards.

Things got flirty.

They ended up kissing that night. You go Glen Coco.

I MISSED THEIR FIRST KISS but this is close enough

The next day he invited her over and they hung out for a bit, and he invited her round the day after that too. In Sim terms, this is a long and slow courtship.

Normally this happens on the first night, not the fourth

They became an official couple on the third night, then on the fourth night they woohooed. I managed to get a saucy picture.

So saucy.

Since then Mike and Emilie have been pretty much inseparable. They are drunk in love. It's a beautiful thing.

Such sweet, many love

I've even edited Emilie in CAS and given her better hair and clothes. I only do that to townies I really care about. They're such a lovely couple. BUT...

There's always a butt

Emilie is rich. Super rich. This is her family's house.

They're not just rich. They're Richie Rich rich.

It's legacy rules that the founder is NOT allowed to marry any rich character. It would bring too much money into the household and be cheaty. So, despite their happiness, Mike and Emilie's love can never be. It is terribly tragic. Like Romeo and Juliet. Except they're not children, and no one will die. But still, you know, sad.

I don't know how to make them break up. It seems too cruel. Poor Mike.

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