Saturday, March 15, 2014


Merry Sim Christmas!

I mean, Snowflake Day.
Beckett was lucky enough to have Snowflake Day fall in his childhood, instead of Leisure Day or Love Day, and he was so excited he was up at 6am to look at the presents.

Just like real life
Mum and Dad weren't up yet, so he had cake for breakfast.

Just like real life! Except cake instead of a Cadbury stocking 
Unfortunately the lead up to Christmas must have left Mike and Alice so distracted that they forgot to pay their bills AGAIN, because the repoman showed up. On Christmas morning! I felt sad for his family. In a show of holiday spirit, he only took the rainbow hanging on Beckett's wall and left everything else. Mike still cried over it, because he is unhealthily attached to material objects.

Remember the door?
But they all got over it pretty quickly, and decided to throw a gift giving party for all the friends they had left after word of the repossession got out. (They must have posted it on Facebook or something, because surely the repoman couldn't spread the word that quick). Normally my legacies end up with a glitch where the game can't place the gift pile so it ends up a boring regular party, but because this game is new it worked, and everybody showed up to put a present in the pile.

Then sat around staring at them longingly while they waited for everyone else to show up. Just like real life!
Beckett went first, because he was the only kid. He got given a Wugglesworth Teddy Bear and was pleased.

Even though he already has one, it's right there next to the radio
Mike was next, and he got given a guitar! He was very excited.

Pretty generous gift if you ask me
The fairy sitting behind Mike got something that made him throw a little tantrum, and then for the rest of the gift giving he just sat there staring at the presents like this.

Someone was on Santa's naughty list.
Oh yeah, and did you notice who's sitting beside him? Yeah. Halfway through the party, the door opened and the Grim Reaper just strolled in and sat down. I quickly clicked on Alice to see if she was dying of old age, but no. No one was dying. He just wanted to join in on the Snowflake Day festivities.

Even Death gets Christmas Day off.  Unless he works at McDonalds
There was a weird moment where someone SHOULD have died, because he got split in half by a door

This....this is not survivable
But Grim wasn't looking. 

Anyway, it was a perfectly lovely party. No one died, everyone was happy with their presents (except Sulky Fairy and Alice. Alice got given a gnome) and Beckett got massively spoilt but again avoided the spoilt buff because he only unwrapped two of the presents.

That horse would have been a bitch to wrap
The day after Christmas was Beckett's first day of school. He didn't meet a single person. Which was my fault, because I forgot to switch it off 'Normal Effort' and onto 'Meet New Friends' like I usually do. I don't remember what I was doing instead, probably working on Alice's athletic skill. She's almost mastered it.

Look, just like last time, except now Beckett can walk
Being responsible parents, Mike and Alice decided the best thing to do for Beckett now that he's started school would be to take him on holiday as soon as possible. I always have the first gen of my legacy travel, even though it bloats the save file, because it's the only way to get all the foreign relics and recipes without using cheats. And I don't like using cheats. 

Alice was awarded a pretty big holiday bonus, so she and Mike spent some Lifetime Happiness reward points on becoming Prepared Travellers and booked the family nine days in France. They chose France mainly because Mike's getting pretty into gardening in his old age, and he's interested in starting up a nectar business after he retires from magic. Alice fancied learning how to cook French food, and Beckett wanted to work on his photo collection. Since Mike gave him a camera for his birthday he's gotten his photography skill up to Level 3. 

I was going to put the French trip in this entry as well, but it's turned out to be much longer than I thought, so I'll cover it in the next post. Au revoir!

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